Tips for surviving any natural disaster

Hurricane Irma is destroying Florida violently and moving to the other state of USA. This reminds us of a fact that natural disasters killed millions of people every year in the world.

Today we are going to talk about what are the common and uncommon tips for surviving from any natural disasters and extreme weather.

1. when there are tornadoes, leave the windows closed tightly. And do not hide yourself under ther overpass.

2.  Do not turn on the flashlight in the room, just because it might ignite gas if there is a leak. However a good lantern is very useful under the extreme weather. Specially, when it is windy and rainy, an ultra bright and portable camping lantern will help a lot. Water resistant and durable are the best features for a good camping lantern.

3. In case of losing your pets under natural disaster, please do not forget to make a built-in ID tags or microchips in your pets.

4. Be mindful of nature's signals. Spotting worms on the ground that may be a precursor to a flood, seeing more spiderwebs in the home that suggests it's going to get colder. Horses tend to turn their heads away from a storm, and it's possible to tell the temperature from the number of times a cricket chirps.



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